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The brief

PhoneCycle, aiming to expand its foothold in the Australian market, wanted to reposition its brand, introduce new service offerings, and enhance its brand recognition. They sought a comprehensive strategy to effectively market their diverse range of services and portfolio of brands.

The solution

Strategic Branding & Marketing: Developed a holistic brand strategy and marketing plan tailored to PhoneCycle’s unique offerings. Introduced the ‘Nothing but rewarding’ value proposition, underlining PhoneCycle’s commitment to rewards to the environment, communities, charities and businesses.

Campaign Design & Execution: Rolled out several impactful campaigns, notably:

  • The Apple IRP campaign that highlighted the brand as a Apple Independent Repair Partner – one of the first in Australia.
  • The $100k charitable initiative, successfully raising funds for the Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation through recycling 8000 devices from 200 businesses.

Content Strategy: Established a monthly content plan, generating diverse content styles across multiple platforms such as LinkedIn, email, and website updates, ensuring brand presence and engagement.

CSR Programme: Devised a unique Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. This initiative allowed businesses to fulfill their CSR objectives through recycling equipment, simultaneously raising funds for various charities.

The Results:

Brand Awareness & Engagement: PhoneCycle experienced a surge in brand recognition and consistent user engagement, a testament to the efficacy of our targeted marketing strategies.

Lead Generation: Our strategic campaigns and initiatives drove a steady influx of leads into the business, catalysing growth opportunities.

Partnership Milestone: Over 5 years, our collaboration with PhoneCycle has been instrumental in their journey towards expansion and dominance in the Australian market.

Let’s talk about elevating your brand.

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